Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Pregnant Women! Add these to your diet, now!

Pregnancy is a time when women are advised and suggested different ways to take care of themselves and their little one growing in their bellies left, right and center. Some advice to steer clear of “hot” foods, while some state that fresh fruits would work wonders on their health and their baby’s health too. IVF specialists from the most reputed test tube baby treatment clinics assert that there are indeed a few “super foods” that can help women maintain an extremely healthy pregnancy.
Some “super foods” for pregnant women are as follows:-

  • Berries: are not just juicy and tasty, these little fruits have vitamins, minerals, foliate and fiber galore. These nutrients are critical for the healthy growth of the baby and the vital organs of its body. Berries such as raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, winter-cherries, gooseberries and others are impeccable for pregnant women. Toss them into your cereal or salads and enjoy!
  • Figs: Full of necessary nutrients such as vitamin K, iron and magnesium, figs are abundant in fiber. Just a cup of dried figs contains 5 grams of fiber. These tasty berries are vital for the proper growth of the baby’s teeth and gums.
  • Pinto Beans: Pinto beans, also known as Sem Phali in India, have nutrients like iron, phosphorus, copper and others aplenty. These nutrients are highly important for the maintenance of pure and healthy blood and promote smooth blood circulation, both crucial for the proper growth of the baby in the womb.

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

How does Thyroid dysfunction impact one’s fertility?

The thyroid gland is a very important organ of the body. It is critical for several autoimmune functions and even a slight disturbance in these functions can cause turbulence in the body.
Given the fact that this gland is so vital for the body, it’s malfunctioning or dysfunction can cause trouble for one’s reproductive health too. Expert IVF doctors from Jaipur and the best fertility clinics in India claim that it is highly important to maintain a healthy thyroid gland and prevent its negative impact on one’s fertility.  Some of the issues faced by women with thyroid dysfunction include:-

  • Hypothyroidism: Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland produces low amounts (hypo) of thyroid in the body. This low production is mostly caused by the lack of the Iodine, the nutrient necessary for the functioning of thyroid. A Thyroid Simulating Hormone or TSH test can easily catch the lack or excess of thyroid in the body. This causes disruption in the menstrual cycle, egg quality and egg maturation.
  • The immunologic functions of the body are adversely affected when the thyroid gland produces low amounts of thyroid hormones. Immunologic functions are necessary for the occurrence of implantation, fetal development, fertilization and other functions related to the embryo and consequent pregnancy.
  • Thyroid gland dysfunction causes a woman’s chances of conceiving to plummet considerably hence causing infertility.

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

How does Thyroid dysfunction impact one’s fertility?

The thyroid gland is a very important organ of the body. It is critical for several autoimmune functions and even a slight disturbance in these functions can cause turbulence in the body.
Given the fact that this gland is so vital for the body, it’s malfunctioning or dysfunction can cause trouble for one’s reproductive health too. Expert IVF doctors from Jaipur and the best fertility clinics in India claim that it is highly important to maintain a healthy thyroid gland and prevent its negative impact on one’s fertility.  Some of the issues faced by women with thyroid dysfunction include:-

  • Hypothyroidism: Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland produces low amounts (hypo) of thyroid in the body. This low production is mostly caused by the lack of the Iodine, the nutrient necessary for the functioning of thyroid. A Thyroid Simulating Hormone or TSH test can easily catch the lack or excess of thyroid in the body. This causes disruption in the menstrual cycle, egg quality and egg maturation.
  • The immunologic functions of the body are adversely affected when the thyroid gland produces low amounts of thyroid hormones. Immunologic functions are necessary for the occurrence of implantation, fetal development, fertilization and other functions related to the embryo and consequent pregnancy.
  • Thyroid gland dysfunction causes a woman’s chances of conceiving to plummet considerably hence causing infertility.

Friday, 23 September 2016

Of course, doctors cannot do everything

Doctors are a boon for many. They prove to be greatly helpful to people at times of nearly miraculous and immediate healing. No wonder, they are regarded as Gods by many. However, the truth, no matter how bitter, is that doctors are NOT Gods! They may, at times, do the impossible by curing a seemingly incurable disease or managing it for the better, yet they are not capable of handling everything that their patients suffer from. The same goes with infertility treatments like IVF.

Even the most experienced IVF doctors from the top fertility centers in India admit that they do not hold the reigns of their patients’ condition completely. A majority of the handling of the disease is needed to be done by the patients themselves. According to them, patients need to perform a lot of roles when involved in a treatment such as IVF. For starters, they must make it a point to gather enough knowledge and information about their condition before even approaching a doctor. This helps them be prepared and ready for their treatment if one is required. In this way, they will be able to make their own decisions with ease. Also, patients have the tendency to listen to others and decide accordingly. They should avoid paying attention to what others state or tell them to do as it is the patients themselves and not these “others” going through infertility. Hence, no one can decide better for them then them themselves.

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Are you shy to admit about your infertility in front of others? Here’s why you shouldn’t be.

Do you belong to a conservative family? Do you find yourself feeling afraid of discussing your fertility problems with members of your family? Are you scared about what “others” would think of your troubles with fertility? Then you are not alone. In fact, most of the patients suffering from infertility come from orthodox and secretive families and face similar troubles.  
IVF specialists based in Jaipur intone that it is extremely necessary for infertile couples to understand that their needs and happiness must be prioritized in a case as this. It is a shame how many couples waste their precious time and give up their only chance of having a biological baby by worrying about other people unnecessarily.
Experts from the top infertility hospitals in Rajasthan state that couples must accept the fact that what others think of them or their infertility is not in their hands. Some may sympathize with them while some may be indifferent towards them. Some would think of the treatment as unconventional and controversial while some may appreciate the strength and boldness of the couple and motivate them to face their problem and go for their treatment. Most importantly, whatever “others” think of them should not matter. These “others” are not the ones going through infertility. They may or may not know the pain of being unable to have a child. Hence, remarks from most of these people would be based on trivial knowledge or gossip. Therefore, it is best to ignore what they think and focus on one’s treatment to ensure that it results in the birth of a beautiful future.

Saturday, 3 September 2016

How helpful are the age old herbal remedies In IVF after all?

We have all leaned towards herbal medication now and then for better and longer relief from our health problems than allopathic medications provide. An ancient science of medicine, especially in India, it has been used for years to cure even the most stubborn of diseases.
However, the big question is, does it work its magic in the case of infertility too? If not completely, can it be used partially to support bigger treatments such as IVF?
Researchers and IVF experts from the best infertility clinics claim that there are indeed some herbs and roots the leaves, stems, roots, etc of which can be converted into edible tablet, powders, syrups etc that can be consumed by infertile patients. The biggest advantage of these medications is that they do not have any side effects on the body.
An unfortunate occurrence is that numerous people tend to self-medicate themselves. Although, the right medications will definitely work their magic in such cases, but until one gets in touch with an expert, they should not self medicate as they may consume the wrong herbs that could have the opposite effects on their fertility that may cause adverse problems for them instead of any good.

Does a female’s ovarian reserve deplete with time?

According to IVF experts from the most recognized test tube baby centers in Rajasthan, their patients feel surprised when told that they would need ovarian stimulation treatments and medications. This is mostly because they do not feel like they require stimulation since they have been menstruating regularly and normally for most of their lives. No doubt, such women are under-informed regarding their ovarian reserve.

So how does one’s ovarian reserve deplete? Think of your ovaries as small storage sacs holdings eggs. These eggs are cells that carry in them 50% of the information that is required to make an embryo. This information is also known as genetic blueprint. These eggs or oocytes are placed in special structure called follicles inside the ovaries. Here, they are nourished until they are mature enough to be released for fertilization. Each follicle holds just one oocyte or egg cell. On a general basis, a female is born with nearly 2000000 follicles in her ovaries. As she grows older and reaches puberty, one of these egg cells is matured and released into the uterus to allow fertilization. If fertilization does not occur, the egg is expelled out of the body. In this way, whether the released egg cell is fertilized or not, the quantity of eggs gets depleted with every period. Furthermore, with time, the quality of the eggs also deteriorates. All of this is inclusive in ovarian reserve depletion. Therefore, it is important that infertile patients go through stimulation to increase the number of maturing egg cells from one to multiple so that they can be utilized for IVF rather than naturally get wasted.

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Anti-Mullerian Hormone

Anti-Mullerian Hormone or AMH is a hormone present in the body of women. The level of this hormone increases and decreases according to the stage a female’s menstrual cycle is in. Testing or mapping this hormone gives a strikingly accurate idea about the state of a patient’s fertility and is considered more precise and reliable than any other fertility tests such as testing the FSH or Follicle Stimulating Hormone levels in the body.
This test is normally done on women who are having trouble conceiving or are getting a test tube baby treatment to have a baby. Most of the time, these women are tested positive for low levels of AMH hence proving that they are facing infertility issues.
Once a patient is tested with low levels of AMH, it is recommended by Jaipur based IVF specialists to get a secondary test done in order to make sure that they are indeed suffering from infertility problems. Furthermore, they add that these additional tests include an antral follicle count test done via an ultrasound and a clomid challenge test done with the help of a blood test.

Patients usually wonder why they need to take more tests when it has already been proven that they have low AMH levels. The reason is that these tests confirm that AMH levels are low and additionally determine how low they are. Unless the quantity is not dangerously low, not much action is required. In fact, the levels can be improved with a few changes of lifestyle such as exercising, eating healthy, Yoga, etc.  

Saturday, 20 August 2016

Patients must be informed

Experienced IVF doctors from the top fertility centers in Jaipur enunciate that it is vital for infertile patients to be well aware of what they are suffering from. However, it is sad that there are many patients who have no idea about what is going on with them and why they are unable to have children. Specialists from reputed surrogacy centers claim that not only patients, but doctors too can be ignorant towards their patients. Some reasons behind the failure of IVF treatments include:-

  • Illiteracy – Unfortunately, there is still a large chunk of the population that is not even basically educated. They cannot access the internet, they cannot read from magazines and they find it difficult to understand a lot of the things explained to them about their health. In addition, most of such illiterate people belong to backward and reclusive communities where even talking about anything related to fertility is considered taboo. Hence, such patients remain bereft of the miracle that an IVF treatment can be.
  • Ignorance of the doctors – When a misinformed patient comes to a doctor, it is their duty to put in some efforts to teach them and inform them well about their condition. Additionally, an informed patient is helpful for the doctor as they would not have to taught about their health problems hence, saving a lot of time.
  • Ignorance of the patients – Patients must try and gather as much information regarding their health issues as they can to not only prepare themselves prior to seeing a doctor but to also make themselves capable of actively participating in their treatment.  

Saturday, 13 August 2016

Second opinions are more important than you think!

We have heard about so many instances of unnecessary surgeries performed on patients that we have lost count. Expert IVF doctors from Jaipur intone that many doctors, who are corrupt and only focused on how much they shall get to earn by taking up the case of a patient, will undoubtedly suggest costly and extensive surgeries that are not required at all.  
Laparoscopy, for instance, is highly recommended by such doctors, it is a procedure that entails the removal of tissues, which appear outside the womb leading to Endometriosis, from the uterus. Now, this surgery is serious and cannot be taken lightly. It is not something that can be mindlessly recommended and easily performed on patients. IVF specialists from the most renowned IVF clinics in Rajasthan state that not all cases of Endometriosis require an intensive surgery like Laparoscopy. Many times, this condition has to be left completely untouched as the body is capable of dissolving the cysts and fibroids formed. Furthermore, if this surgery is performed in rush, then there are chances that the uterus will have to endure unintended scratches, incisions and abrasions which could later cause trouble in the patient’s fertility and may even trigger infertility.
Therefore, it is extremely important that patients increase their knowledge and consult more than one doctor to make sure that they are on the right track. This is in no way something against their current doctor; however, to prevent oneself from going into the wrong direction or being the victim of a doctor’s poor judgment, second opinions are necessary.  

Patients must be informed

Experienced IVF doctors from the top fertility centers in Jaipur enunciate that it is vital for infertile patients to be well aware of what they are suffering from. However, it is sad that there are many patients who have no idea about what is going on with them and why they are unable to have children. Specialists from reputed surrogacy centers claim that not only patients, but doctors too can be ignorant towards their patients. Some reasons behind the failure of IVF treatments include:-

  • Illiteracy – Unfortunately, there is still a large chunk of the population that is not even basically educated. They cannot access the internet, they cannot read from magazines and they find it difficult to understand a lot of the things explained to them about their health. In addition, most of such illiterate people belong to backward and reclusive communities where even talking about anything related to fertility is considered taboo. Hence, such patients remain bereft of the miracle that an IVF treatment can be.
  • Ignorance of the doctors – When a misinformed patient comes to a doctor, it is their duty to put in some efforts to teach them and inform them well about their condition. Additionally, an informed patient is helpful for the doctor as they would not have to taught about their health problems hence, saving a lot of time.
  • Ignorance of the patients – Patients must try and gather as much information regarding their health issues as they can to not only prepare themselves prior to seeing a doctor but to also make themselves capable of actively participating in their treatment.  

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

It is important for patients to complaint.

A lot of people think that complaining to the doctor or manager about the services provided to them at their clinic or the treatment they received is not that important. However, IVF specialists in Jaipur emphasize that they need to know that it really is! When existing or experienced patients give their feedback about the treatment they received and all the technicalities associated with this treatment to the doctor, he or she is able to understand and realize where they are going wrong, state experts from the most regarded surrogacy centers of Rajasthan. For example, let’s say that a couple received an infertility treatment from a doctor. The treatment was successful but greatly stressful for the patients. The reason behind such stress was their confusion and oblivion about several issues regarding IVF. And when they tried clearing their doubts with the doctor, the doctor could not clear them well enough. Thus, the patients can complaint to the doctor about it telling him or her about the requirement of better communication from the doctor. If the doctor is good, he or she will accept their weakness and work on them. This would be immensely beneficial for them as well as their future patients who will not have to go through a treatment while being confused and tensed. Therefore, patients must consider giving their feedback as an essential part of their treatment.  

Friday, 15 July 2016

Foods to refrain from during pregnancy

Foods to refrain from during pregnancy
As soon as a woman conceives, the parents-to-be get all sorts of suggestions about what they should do to ensure that the pregnancy is successful. After consulting experienced IVF doctors from renowned infertility hospitals and surrogacy centers in Jaipur, we have been able to enlist some of the major food items to be avoided during pregnancy:-

  • Caffeine/coffee – It has been observed that the excessive consumption of caffeine at least a month before trying to get pregnant and during pregnancy can increase the chances of miscarriage starkly. Hence, the most minimum possible amount is suggested. Best would be to avoid it all together.
  • Unpasteurized dairy – Being organic food items, dairy products are susceptible towards getting infected by bacterium and fungi. They must be pasteurized before consumption otherwise they can cause severe infections that may hamper the pregnancy.
  • Raw or undercooked meat and fish – Just like dairy, organic food items like chicken, beef, mutton, fish and others are vulnerable to getting infected by bacterium and fungi. Cooking them completely is the only way to get rid of any harmful infestations and prevent oneself and their baby from getting infected or poisoned.
  • Processed food – As much as possible, one should eat only freshly prepared food items especially those that are produced at home to ensure avoiding infected and unhealthy edible products.

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

How to manage weight during a twin pregnancy?

According to several top IVF doctors, amongst the top ten frequently asked questions is – “How to maintain weight during pregnancy?”. Experts emphasize that a healthy weight must be maintained during pregnancy, especially if a woman is pregnant with multiple babies. This does not mean that one must diet or reduce their intake of food. Such acute and sudden change in one’s diet can cause severe harm to the baby and may even cause termination of pregnancy or miscarriage. The best kind of diet to help maintain one’s weight would be one that consists of the right nutrients and adequate calories that do not hamper the development of the babies.

Furthermore, the changes that are to made in one’s diet and lifestyle should be done under the expert surveillance of a dietician or nutritionist. The best method to maintain a healthy and adequate weight is to maintain the precise BMI or Body Mass Index. BMI is calculated by using the height and weight of a person. The theory behind BMI is that a person is required to maintain healthy weight according to their height. For example, if a woman is 5 feet 5 inches tall, her ideal weight range is 55 to 70 kgs. Similarly for a pregnant woman with twins, the average range for a normal BMI is 18.5 to 24.9. However, if the BMI is 25 and above, the patient is considered to be overweight and needs to lose weight while a BMI under 18 indicates being underweight and requires weight gain through proper nutrition.  

Thursday, 30 June 2016

How necessary is continuous monitoring in IVF?

The moment an IVF patient is informed about the successful creation of their embryos, they feel happiness that is unparalleled. Once the embryo transfer is done, half of their struggles with infertility get vanished. Hence, undoubtedly, these patients prepare themselves to do the best that they can to ensure that their embryo implants and they are able to conceive.  
Such anxiety to do whatever they can to safeguard their baby leads to unnecessary and unintentional stress, tension and worry. But what one should keep in mind is that worry and anxiety can never take them forward. Instead such negative feelings trap the concerned person in the situation that they are in and let them marinate in all the stress and fear thus causing further discomfort. The worst is that such strongly negative emotions can have adverse effects on the body which would eventually disturb the embryo’s implantation.
The best way out of this is to relax, take a deep breath and focus on what is and what can be done. IVF patients must make it a point to be vocal about their doubts with their trustworthy doctor and clear them out. Moreover, they can gather adequate information regarding post-transfer care through information sources and experienced IVF patients to be prepared and take the best possible care of themselves. Avoiding the below mentioned activities can help a patient get a grip at their health and also, the fate of their embryo:-

  • Too much bed rest - Stay away from excessive bed rest. This can mess with the blood flow in the body while smooth blood circulation is necessary for implantation.
  • Excessive physical activity – Although, completely giving up any form of physical activity or exercise is not recommended, yet the patient should not indulge in an activity that exerts them more than what is normal or increases the temperature of their body as, again, this disrupts the normal and smooth blood circulation in the body.
  • Negativity – As mentioned above, negative thinking harms the body in several ways. Therefore, patients must try to be positive and happy. The patients can spend time with children, go through family albums, read good books or listen to great music that uplifts their mod. Similarly, it is equally important to avoid negative people. Their negative vibes and thinking can rub off on anyone that spends time with them.  
  • Drastic diet change - It is not recommended to make a sudden and big change in one’s diet. An acute change can disturb the body and confuse it. This can harm the embryo immensely.