Tuesday, 5 July 2016

How to manage weight during a twin pregnancy?

According to several top IVF doctors, amongst the top ten frequently asked questions is – “How to maintain weight during pregnancy?”. Experts emphasize that a healthy weight must be maintained during pregnancy, especially if a woman is pregnant with multiple babies. This does not mean that one must diet or reduce their intake of food. Such acute and sudden change in one’s diet can cause severe harm to the baby and may even cause termination of pregnancy or miscarriage. The best kind of diet to help maintain one’s weight would be one that consists of the right nutrients and adequate calories that do not hamper the development of the babies.

Furthermore, the changes that are to made in one’s diet and lifestyle should be done under the expert surveillance of a dietician or nutritionist. The best method to maintain a healthy and adequate weight is to maintain the precise BMI or Body Mass Index. BMI is calculated by using the height and weight of a person. The theory behind BMI is that a person is required to maintain healthy weight according to their height. For example, if a woman is 5 feet 5 inches tall, her ideal weight range is 55 to 70 kgs. Similarly for a pregnant woman with twins, the average range for a normal BMI is 18.5 to 24.9. However, if the BMI is 25 and above, the patient is considered to be overweight and needs to lose weight while a BMI under 18 indicates being underweight and requires weight gain through proper nutrition.  

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