Saturday, 3 September 2016

Does a female’s ovarian reserve deplete with time?

According to IVF experts from the most recognized test tube baby centers in Rajasthan, their patients feel surprised when told that they would need ovarian stimulation treatments and medications. This is mostly because they do not feel like they require stimulation since they have been menstruating regularly and normally for most of their lives. No doubt, such women are under-informed regarding their ovarian reserve.

So how does one’s ovarian reserve deplete? Think of your ovaries as small storage sacs holdings eggs. These eggs are cells that carry in them 50% of the information that is required to make an embryo. This information is also known as genetic blueprint. These eggs or oocytes are placed in special structure called follicles inside the ovaries. Here, they are nourished until they are mature enough to be released for fertilization. Each follicle holds just one oocyte or egg cell. On a general basis, a female is born with nearly 2000000 follicles in her ovaries. As she grows older and reaches puberty, one of these egg cells is matured and released into the uterus to allow fertilization. If fertilization does not occur, the egg is expelled out of the body. In this way, whether the released egg cell is fertilized or not, the quantity of eggs gets depleted with every period. Furthermore, with time, the quality of the eggs also deteriorates. All of this is inclusive in ovarian reserve depletion. Therefore, it is important that infertile patients go through stimulation to increase the number of maturing egg cells from one to multiple so that they can be utilized for IVF rather than naturally get wasted.

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