Wednesday, 28 September 2016

How does Thyroid dysfunction impact one’s fertility?

The thyroid gland is a very important organ of the body. It is critical for several autoimmune functions and even a slight disturbance in these functions can cause turbulence in the body.
Given the fact that this gland is so vital for the body, it’s malfunctioning or dysfunction can cause trouble for one’s reproductive health too. Expert IVF doctors from Jaipur and the best fertility clinics in India claim that it is highly important to maintain a healthy thyroid gland and prevent its negative impact on one’s fertility.  Some of the issues faced by women with thyroid dysfunction include:-

  • Hypothyroidism: Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland produces low amounts (hypo) of thyroid in the body. This low production is mostly caused by the lack of the Iodine, the nutrient necessary for the functioning of thyroid. A Thyroid Simulating Hormone or TSH test can easily catch the lack or excess of thyroid in the body. This causes disruption in the menstrual cycle, egg quality and egg maturation.
  • The immunologic functions of the body are adversely affected when the thyroid gland produces low amounts of thyroid hormones. Immunologic functions are necessary for the occurrence of implantation, fetal development, fertilization and other functions related to the embryo and consequent pregnancy.
  • Thyroid gland dysfunction causes a woman’s chances of conceiving to plummet considerably hence causing infertility.

Friday, 23 September 2016

Of course, doctors cannot do everything

Doctors are a boon for many. They prove to be greatly helpful to people at times of nearly miraculous and immediate healing. No wonder, they are regarded as Gods by many. However, the truth, no matter how bitter, is that doctors are NOT Gods! They may, at times, do the impossible by curing a seemingly incurable disease or managing it for the better, yet they are not capable of handling everything that their patients suffer from. The same goes with infertility treatments like IVF.

Even the most experienced IVF doctors from the top fertility centers in India admit that they do not hold the reigns of their patients’ condition completely. A majority of the handling of the disease is needed to be done by the patients themselves. According to them, patients need to perform a lot of roles when involved in a treatment such as IVF. For starters, they must make it a point to gather enough knowledge and information about their condition before even approaching a doctor. This helps them be prepared and ready for their treatment if one is required. In this way, they will be able to make their own decisions with ease. Also, patients have the tendency to listen to others and decide accordingly. They should avoid paying attention to what others state or tell them to do as it is the patients themselves and not these “others” going through infertility. Hence, no one can decide better for them then them themselves.

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Are you shy to admit about your infertility in front of others? Here’s why you shouldn’t be.

Do you belong to a conservative family? Do you find yourself feeling afraid of discussing your fertility problems with members of your family? Are you scared about what “others” would think of your troubles with fertility? Then you are not alone. In fact, most of the patients suffering from infertility come from orthodox and secretive families and face similar troubles.  
IVF specialists based in Jaipur intone that it is extremely necessary for infertile couples to understand that their needs and happiness must be prioritized in a case as this. It is a shame how many couples waste their precious time and give up their only chance of having a biological baby by worrying about other people unnecessarily.
Experts from the top infertility hospitals in Rajasthan state that couples must accept the fact that what others think of them or their infertility is not in their hands. Some may sympathize with them while some may be indifferent towards them. Some would think of the treatment as unconventional and controversial while some may appreciate the strength and boldness of the couple and motivate them to face their problem and go for their treatment. Most importantly, whatever “others” think of them should not matter. These “others” are not the ones going through infertility. They may or may not know the pain of being unable to have a child. Hence, remarks from most of these people would be based on trivial knowledge or gossip. Therefore, it is best to ignore what they think and focus on one’s treatment to ensure that it results in the birth of a beautiful future.

Saturday, 3 September 2016

How helpful are the age old herbal remedies In IVF after all?

We have all leaned towards herbal medication now and then for better and longer relief from our health problems than allopathic medications provide. An ancient science of medicine, especially in India, it has been used for years to cure even the most stubborn of diseases.
However, the big question is, does it work its magic in the case of infertility too? If not completely, can it be used partially to support bigger treatments such as IVF?
Researchers and IVF experts from the best infertility clinics claim that there are indeed some herbs and roots the leaves, stems, roots, etc of which can be converted into edible tablet, powders, syrups etc that can be consumed by infertile patients. The biggest advantage of these medications is that they do not have any side effects on the body.
An unfortunate occurrence is that numerous people tend to self-medicate themselves. Although, the right medications will definitely work their magic in such cases, but until one gets in touch with an expert, they should not self medicate as they may consume the wrong herbs that could have the opposite effects on their fertility that may cause adverse problems for them instead of any good.

Does a female’s ovarian reserve deplete with time?

According to IVF experts from the most recognized test tube baby centers in Rajasthan, their patients feel surprised when told that they would need ovarian stimulation treatments and medications. This is mostly because they do not feel like they require stimulation since they have been menstruating regularly and normally for most of their lives. No doubt, such women are under-informed regarding their ovarian reserve.

So how does one’s ovarian reserve deplete? Think of your ovaries as small storage sacs holdings eggs. These eggs are cells that carry in them 50% of the information that is required to make an embryo. This information is also known as genetic blueprint. These eggs or oocytes are placed in special structure called follicles inside the ovaries. Here, they are nourished until they are mature enough to be released for fertilization. Each follicle holds just one oocyte or egg cell. On a general basis, a female is born with nearly 2000000 follicles in her ovaries. As she grows older and reaches puberty, one of these egg cells is matured and released into the uterus to allow fertilization. If fertilization does not occur, the egg is expelled out of the body. In this way, whether the released egg cell is fertilized or not, the quantity of eggs gets depleted with every period. Furthermore, with time, the quality of the eggs also deteriorates. All of this is inclusive in ovarian reserve depletion. Therefore, it is important that infertile patients go through stimulation to increase the number of maturing egg cells from one to multiple so that they can be utilized for IVF rather than naturally get wasted.