Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Pregnant Women! Add these to your diet, now!

Pregnancy is a time when women are advised and suggested different ways to take care of themselves and their little one growing in their bellies left, right and center. Some advice to steer clear of “hot” foods, while some state that fresh fruits would work wonders on their health and their baby’s health too. IVF specialists from the most reputed test tube baby treatment clinics assert that there are indeed a few “super foods” that can help women maintain an extremely healthy pregnancy.
Some “super foods” for pregnant women are as follows:-

  • Berries: are not just juicy and tasty, these little fruits have vitamins, minerals, foliate and fiber galore. These nutrients are critical for the healthy growth of the baby and the vital organs of its body. Berries such as raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, winter-cherries, gooseberries and others are impeccable for pregnant women. Toss them into your cereal or salads and enjoy!
  • Figs: Full of necessary nutrients such as vitamin K, iron and magnesium, figs are abundant in fiber. Just a cup of dried figs contains 5 grams of fiber. These tasty berries are vital for the proper growth of the baby’s teeth and gums.
  • Pinto Beans: Pinto beans, also known as Sem Phali in India, have nutrients like iron, phosphorus, copper and others aplenty. These nutrients are highly important for the maintenance of pure and healthy blood and promote smooth blood circulation, both crucial for the proper growth of the baby in the womb.

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

How does Thyroid dysfunction impact one’s fertility?

The thyroid gland is a very important organ of the body. It is critical for several autoimmune functions and even a slight disturbance in these functions can cause turbulence in the body.
Given the fact that this gland is so vital for the body, it’s malfunctioning or dysfunction can cause trouble for one’s reproductive health too. Expert IVF doctors from Jaipur and the best fertility clinics in India claim that it is highly important to maintain a healthy thyroid gland and prevent its negative impact on one’s fertility.  Some of the issues faced by women with thyroid dysfunction include:-

  • Hypothyroidism: Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland produces low amounts (hypo) of thyroid in the body. This low production is mostly caused by the lack of the Iodine, the nutrient necessary for the functioning of thyroid. A Thyroid Simulating Hormone or TSH test can easily catch the lack or excess of thyroid in the body. This causes disruption in the menstrual cycle, egg quality and egg maturation.
  • The immunologic functions of the body are adversely affected when the thyroid gland produces low amounts of thyroid hormones. Immunologic functions are necessary for the occurrence of implantation, fetal development, fertilization and other functions related to the embryo and consequent pregnancy.
  • Thyroid gland dysfunction causes a woman’s chances of conceiving to plummet considerably hence causing infertility.